New construction projects are necessary to support growth. So how can your project avoid delays, overruns, conflicts, and other issues? Here are a few areas Elexco pays close attention to. By watching the budget, planning ahead, and double-checking the design, we’ll keep your project within your requirements.
Budget Concerns
Staying on budget for a big project is a challenge. According to a February 2017 Cato Policy Report, only one out of ten large construction projects is on budget, one out of ten is on schedule, and one out of ten delivers the promised benefits. With that kind of track record, no wonder Elexco takes extra care to meet the budget!
To reduce budget overruns, Elexco double-checks all the numbers with contractors and our suppliers before work begins. Add and delete alternatives can be written into each section of a project’s bid. This can prevent delays and extra expenses that a complete redesign might otherwise require. Elexco will work with you to revise the plan mid-project if the budget is at risk of being exceeded
Poor designs lead to project pitfalls. Elexco works to ensure your design is accurate and complete to diminish the risk of delays and conflicts. In addition, we use independent architects and engineers to review plans when necessary. Though this may mean a small additional cost upfront, it reduces the risk of costlier errors, omissions, and inconsistencies that lead to inevitable expenses in the field.
Before a project begins, drawings need to be completed and approved. Then, Elexco works with a step-by-step manual to ensure no details are missed, and timelines are met.
Elexco outlines a schedule as early as possible. Driven by the project’s scope and needs, a reasonable timeline will reduce the pressure to cut corners and properly motivate teams to get work done in a reasonable timeframe. Of course, the weather is one thing that can’t be scheduled too far in advance, so reasonable extensions may be made. Supply availability and changes in supply lead times also impact power construction schedules.
Permits need to be in place before construction begins to eliminate delays.
Planning to Prevent
Prevention planning can help power and energy construction projects to stay on time and budget. Your project starts before the physical construction. Elexco ensures well-written contracts detail the scope, expectations, risks, and obligations of any power project. Risks need to be reasonably allocated, prevented, and controlled.
To learn more about how Elexco’s planning and prevention can ensure your project stays on time and on budget, contact us today.